Sunday, August 15, 2010

learning lessons

i swam in the ocean today.  1 mile.  i avoided shark week in anticipation. i have a long way to go, a long way.  but i finished. maybe next week i'll get around the pier and lose my fear of getting hooked with a fishing line.(seriously)  i learned a few things while spending quality time with the fish this morning that i thought i'd share just in case you ever find yourself wanting to jump in the freezing cold ocean at 8 am on a sunday morning.

lesson 1 -  body glide.  my neck looks like someone took a red marker and drew a line across the back.  note to self when swimming in salt water with a wetsuit while turning your head repeatedly, apply body glide. 

lesson 2 - remember to stay calm when getting kicked in the face. or at the very least kick back.

lesson 3 - water will get in your wetsuit and st. george is going to be cold.  figure out a way to get over it.

lesson 4 - even though the pier looks close, it is not.  even though you think you can just ride in a wave to finish,  you can not.  and even though it may seem you are swimming in a straight line, chances are, you are not.

swim. check.  now onto the run. but not without a little added inspiration. its amazing how hindsight makes things so much clearer.

i kicked out seven miles faster than i ever have before and added in some hills just for fun, yes for fun. 

harder. better. faster.stronger.  (thank you kayne)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What you did is nothing short of impressive...and you learned some great lessons - before the Big Day.

    The cold water down the back zipper is such a shock - and it's great you are already thinking about how to get used to it next spring.... as well as the contact sport formerly known as swimming.

    So proud of you!


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